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some books i've read halfway

The Sparrow, Mary Doria Russell

Halfway through, I realised I'd already read this book, as Stephen Donaldson's Thomas Covenant series. Well, not really, but I kept getting the sense that I knew what was coming. Jesuit priest goes to meet aliens, has a horrible time, comes back, feels bad about surviving. I felt that I didn't want the guilt trip of liking a lot of the characters that I knew would die horrible deaths that the priest would later feel really really bad about. La la la.

Lost, Gregory Macguire

Had a couple of interesting moments, supposed to be a modern ghost story. But when I realised what was interesting about it was picturing the bit of London it takes place in, Hampstead, and not the story it self. When heyoka told me it doesn't really get any better, I set it down, not to be picked up again.

I'm a big fan of his first book, Wicked, which is an alternate writing of the Wizard of Oz, from the Wicked Witch of the West's point of view. VEry cool, very rich, and engrossing.

Gould's book of fish, Richard Flanagan

This has just become a case of a book that gets shuffled around the house so I forget to finish it. My bookmark (thin, advertising Modern Library books and Shakespeare&Co bookstore) notes i'm only a third through, while heyoka's bookmark (a floral card from her mother) is tucked halfway through.

Ulysses, James Joyce

I keep picking it up and starting through, and something diverts me. I did listen to most of it, at a Bloomsday event in portland. The Rimsky Korsacoffee house had a 24 hour reading, with different people tackling each chapter. I made it through about 20-odd hours of it, but not reading along, just listening and writing and drinking lots of coffee. Had to leave near the end for an arts group meeting.

Maybe this summer I'll try again, reading it aloud to myself.

The Body Artist, Don Delillo

I still don't know why I haven't finished this. It's a very short novel, but I was moving through it slowly. Perhaps I shall pick it up again.

You Shall Know Our Velocity, Dave Eggers

Current read, propped next to the bed. I read a few pages before falling asleep, then a couple of nights later reread what I forgot the other night, then a few more pages and then zzz.

It's entertaining me so far, both in its content, and the ease in which it gets me drowsy.


I should be updating this now and then with rediscovered halfbooks, and if I finish any of the above.

posted: 18 February 2003